From Icarus to Tom Cruise (including Wright Bros and Burt Rutan), mankind’s
obsession of flight has never faded. But how do aircraft and birds actually fly?
This was never fully understood … until now!
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Don’t be surprised if after reading this book, your entire perception of
aerodynamics of flight gets a face-lift
But you’ll love it … Guaranteed!
I will begin and end this section with only two statements. air-speed is all about how sharply you cut the air ahead of you. It’s all turbulence.
Unraveling the mysteries of how a moving airfoil wing generates lift in the earth’s atmosphere, will be the main focus of our discussion throughout.
All the wings of today’s hang-gliders and ultra-light aircraft are distinctively based on this basic design of bird origin.The airfoil can be analyzed into three functional curves or wing surfaces,
For the case of the airfoil, the Induction Zone is in the space immediately over the rear slope or the Inductor surface of the wing.
As much as it’s talked about in terms of mathematics and engineering, Aerodynamics is not a science at all; Its an art! After all the computations, the proof comes only after testing a real prototype in air.
The generation of lift by an airfoil wing is the basis of entire subject of flight aerodynamics. To clearly understand how this marvelous force is created is the primary goal of this text, because that’s how mankind realized its ultimate fantasy to fly.
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